STEM From Dance Club
Intake Form + Partnership Agreement

Your Information

Must be over 18
Application Summary

Location Details

Search for your organization and enter the name in full if it's not in the list.

Please validate your Club's address.

What is your Club role?

To start a STEM From Dance Club, you must have someone to facilitate your Club sessions, as well as someone to sign a SFD Clubs Participation Agreement (this can be the same person).

The participation agreement is a document, signed annually, that specifies the relationship between STEM From Dance and your external organization hosting a STEM From Club.

When signed, this agreement allows you to operate as an official SFD Club, including receiving full access to our extensive curriculum and resources on Disco, as long as your Club is staffed by a Facilitator.

This agreement details the expectations for your Club, including how to facilitate it, our and your responsibilities in running it, and what type of student data will be collected.

Help us set up your Club.

This application page will allow you to create one STEM From Dance Club. Please note that each unique group of students that you plan to host should be created as its own Club (e.g., groups of students meeting on different days or different times of year). Multiple applications can be submitted for your organization to create as many Clubs as you need to serve your students.
Club Summary

Recommended minimum: 15

Select all that apply.
Help us track our impact by answering a few optional questions.

Receive SFD Updates
We encourage applicants to provide their mobile phone number to receive important SFD Club events and incentive updates throughout the year (3-4 messages total). Numbers provided here will be automatically opted into receiving text messaging from STEM From Dance.

Congratulations on being accepted to host a STEM From Dance Club!

We're excited to partner with you and help you bring this program to your community.

To get started, we would like to schedule your onboarding training session. Please register for a date that works best for your team from the calendar on the next page.

Once you complete your training date, we will share the full digital curriculum and additional resources to help you prepare for the program launch. Please bring any questions you may have to your training.

Looking forward to working with you.

The STEM From Dance Team